Saturdays or Saturday’s?

The term Saturday’s is the singular possessive form of Saturday. E.g., “Saturday’s game has been postponed due to the weather.” Furthermore, Saturdays is the standard plural form of Saturday. E.g., “On Saturdays, I like to do the gardening.” Also, the plural possessive form is Saturdays’.

The following chart provides a useful overview of the different forms of the word Saturday.

Singular possessiveSaturday’s
Plural possessiveSaturdays’

You can see that you form the plural by just adding “s” to the end of Saturday. The singular possessive must have an apostrophe between the “y” and “s.” While the plural possessive, which is not that common, uses an apostrophe at the end of the word.

The following examples show the four forms in context.

  • Singular: I watch my kids play baseball every Saturday.
  • Plural: We like to go out as a family on Saturdays.
  • Singular possessive: We canceled Saturday’s party because nobody could come.
  • Plural possessive: Saturdays’ games will start at 8 am from now on.

People commonly use the words every and on with days of the week. However, with the word every, you must use a singular Saturday. In contrast, you can use the word on to refer to a single Saturday or all Saturdays.

Now that you have learned the basics about using the possessive forms of Saturday, keep reading to learn more about using these forms correctly in your writing.


The term Saturday’s is the singular possessive form of Saturday. Therefore, you use it when you want to refer to events that take place on a Saturday.

  • Saturday’s meal starts at 8 pm.

Furthermore, when you use prepositions with days of the week, it is important to remember that it is not common to use on with a possessive form of Saturday. Instead, when referring to an event, you should use at or a different word, such as during or throughout.

  • Incorrect: On Saturday’s conference, the speaker was excellent.
  • Correct: At Saturday’s conference, the speaker was excellent.
  • Correct: I felt sick during Saturday’s conference.


The term Saturdays’ is the plural possessive form of the word Saturday, which means you use it to refer to things belonging to multiple Saturdays.

  • Saturdays’ schedules are the same every month.
  • Saturdays’ dates with my wife are the highlight of my week.

Furthermore, although the plural possessive form of Saturday exists, it is not common for people to use this form for days of the week.

Instead, you can phrase the sentence slightly differently and use the non-possessive form of Saturday. As shown in the following examples:

  • The schedule is the same every Saturday of the month.
  • The highlight of my week is the dates I go on each Saturday with my wife.


Saturdays is the plural form of Saturday. Therefore, you can use it when writing about two or more Saturdays.

The term Saturdays often appears with the word on to indicate what happens every Saturday.

  • On Saturdays, I go for a jog in the park.

Furthermore, in contrast to the singular and singular possessive versions, you cannot use the words at, each, or every in the same way as you can with the other versions. If you put these words directly before Saturdays, you either need to form a possessive or change Saturdays to singular.

Therefore, to use these words, you need to add other words to make the sentence correct. However, as you can notice, if you are not forming the possessive or using the singular, you more often than not end up having to use the word on Saturdays.

  • Incorrect: At Saturdays, we have a bbq.
  • Correct: At the weekends, on Saturdays, we have a bbq.
  • Incorrect: Every Saturdays, we have a bbq.
  • Correct: Every weekend, on Saturdays, we have a bbq.
  • Correct: Every Saturday, we have a bbq.