Other’s or Others’ or Others?

Other’s is the singular possessive form of other. E.g., “We must consider each other’s feelings.” Furthermore, the term others’ is the plural possessive. For example, “I passed, but the others’ results were terrible.” Finally, others is the standard plural form.

The following chart shows the different forms of the word other.

Singular possessiveOther’s
Plural possessiveOthers’

Now let’s have a look at the words in context:

  • Singular: You should listen to other people’s opinions for a change.
  • Plural: Some days are easy, and others are a disaster from start to finish.
  • Singular possessive: My friend and I have each other’s backs on homework.
  • Plural possessive: We are staying in tonight. However, the others’ plan is to go out.

Are you wondering whether you should use the phrase each other’s, each others’, or each others?

When we say each other, the word other remains in the singular form because each is also singular.

For example, we don’t say each students. Instead, we say each student. It’s the same with the word other. Therefore, the correct spelling is each other’s for the possessive form.

However, you can also use it in the singular form:

  • We need to take care of each other.

Please continue reading to learn more about using the different forms of the term other and ensure you never get it wrong again in your writing.


The term other’s is the singular possessive form of the word other. Therefore, you use it to indicate that either something belongs to the other person or the other object/place.

For example, in the following sentence, the word other’s refers to another menu option.

  • I chose the menu with the steak in red wine sauce. The other’s main course didn’t look too appetizing.

Furthermore, other’s can also refer to people, in which case it is often combined with each.

 As shown in this example:

  • Don’t interfere in each other’s lives.
  • My wife and I consider each other’s feelings.


The word others’ is the plural possessive form of other.

Others’ is rarely used since we often say, for example, other people’s instead of others’ (i.e., other people’s lives instead of others’ lives).

However, you can still use it to refer to a plural quantity of people or a plural number of places/objects that possess something.

For example, in the first sentence, the word others’ refers to other people.

  • He destroyed others’ lives through his substance addiction and gambling.

In the second sentence, the word others’ refers to alternative wedding venues.

  • We chose the lakeside venue for the wedding. The others’ prices were too high.


The word others is the plural version of other. It is quite a versatile word because it essentially means “in addition to something.”

Subsequently, the term others can refer to pretty much anything from people, objects, places, and methods.

As shown in these examples:

  • We will arrive at 8 am. The others will be there at 9 am. (people)
  • I’m not too fond of the bathroom carpet. All the others in the house are fine. (objects)
  • I don’t want to stay at that resort because it’s too isolated. The others that you showed me looked good, though. (places)
  • Even though your plan didn’t work, we should try the others before giving up. (methods)