10 Formal Synonyms for “Etc.”

So, you want to use “etc.” in formal writing.

However, you’re worried that it’s informal or incorrect because it’s an abbreviation of “et cetera,” right?

Well, you’ve come to the right place.

This article will explain what to use instead of “etc.” in formal writing to help you mix things up.

Can I Use “Etc.” in Formal Writing?

You can use “etc.” in formal writing. It’s a formal abbreviation that means “et cetera” (or “and so on”).

Generally, people use it when listing multiple things but not including every option. “Etc.” basically means there’s more to say, but you don’t need to include them.

Readers will prefer to see “etc.” as it helps to streamline your writing.

It’s better than listing everything in your writing, especially in an essay, as it can appear like you’re trying to pad out your word count.

Here’s a great email sample to show you how to write “etc.” in formal writing:

It was touched on by many firms, such as Browns, Kingstons, Jones & Smiths, etc. So, it was in good hands.


  • It’s a great formal abbreviation to help streamline your writing.
  • It keeps things easy to read and understand.


  • Since it’s an abbreviation, you may not want to use it in every case.
  • Some people need more context, which “etc.” can make difficult.

It’s clear that “etc.” is a great word to include in formal writing. However, that doesn’t mean it’s the only viable option. So, it’s time to explore some alternatives to see what’s out there.

Keep reading to learn how to replace “etc.” in formal writing. We’ve gathered plenty of synonyms to help you spice things up.

What to Say Instead of “Etc.”

  • Et cetera
  • And so forth
  • And so on
  • Among others
  • In addition
  • Along with others
  • In the same vein
  • To name a few
  • To mention a couple
  • Among other things

1. Et Cetera

First, we want to start with “et cetera.”

When we’re looking at alternatives to “etc.,” you can’t go wrong with the long-form version of the word.

For starters, it’s Latin. It officially translates to mean “and the rest.”

It’s formal and engaging. So, it’s a great way to break up your writing and let people know that you’re including a list of some sort.

You can also refer to these essay samples:

We could have used the burners, furnaces, et cetera. However, we weren’t sure what the best use of resources would be.

It featured Hamilton, Jefferson, Madison, et cetera. It was by far one of the greatest performances I’ve seen to date.

2. And So Forth

Another great choice is “and so forth.” This one works well in academic writing or when completing essays.

It’s a more formal word than “etc.” as it uses “so forth” to show that you haven’t listed every option.

It allows the reader to get the gist of what you’re saying. That’s the most important part about using a word such as this.

If you’re still unsure, you can review these examples:

You can use time, length, distance, and so forth as a variable. It should have quite a profound impact on what you’re looking for.

I explored my options. Using speed, force, and so forth seemed to make the most sense at the time of the assignment.

3. And So On

You can use “and so on” as another word for “etc.” It’s a great way to remain professional in your writing.

Generally, we would use this in an essay. It’s a good choice, as it lets readers know that you’ve thought about the list you’re writing and want to help them understand more about it.

Check out these examples to learn more about it if you still need help:

I worked with Russell, Beatrice, and so on when working on this project. They seemed to have a good idea of what we needed to do.

It was clear that the options were to leave, continue the project, try the assignment again, and so on. We all had to make a choice.

4. Among Others

It’s also smart to try “among others” to keep things a little simpler.

Don’t worry. While it’s a simpler phrase, it’s still professional and direct.

So, it’s a great choice when writing an essay. It’ll be sure to engage a reader and show them that you’ve thought things through with a list and would like to see what they think.

Feel free to review the following examples if you still need help with it:

It’s worth exploring that option, among others. It’s a good start, and I think it’ll be a good fit for the position.

You can do it with teams or solo, among others. It’s always worth exploring your options to see what’s available.

5. In Addition

You can also use “in addition” as another way to say “etc.” It’s a great choice that keeps things formal and polite.

Generally, you would use this when emailing employees. It helps you to create a list for them (usually in a bulk email) to let them know what’s going on.

This phrase is really effective at keeping your language formal and direct. That’s what makes it a good choice when writing emails above anything else.

This email sample should also clear some things up for you:

Dear Team,

I would like you to complete this task using one of the methods from the meeting or a former one, in addition.

Please let me know how you get on.

Best regards,
Dan Kent

6. Along With Others

You can also use “along with others.” It shows you how to include “etc.” in your writing by remaining formal and explanatory.

Generally, “along with others” covers every aspect that might come up in a list. That’s why it’s such an effective phrase to use in academic writing.

It’s direct and clear. So the reader won’t have any trouble understanding what you mean.

Feel free to review these examples if you still need to understand it:

We chose from multiple variables, such as rain and wind, along with others. It helped us to make sure we knew what we were doing.

I’m sure it would have been better to pull it from a pool of ideas. For example, three, six, and nine, along with others, seemed most likely.

7. In the Same Vein

Try using “in the same vein” when you’d like to mix things up in your writing.

It’s a great one to include in a formal essay. Generally, it allows you to explain how different things connect to each other as part of the same list.

We recommend it because it clarifies what a list is about. It’s a good tool to help the reader follow your thought process when you need to keep things simple.

You can also review these examples:

We should have explored the following ideas: time under tension, rep count, and things in the same vein.

It’s worth letting people explore travel ideas such as cycling, driving, skating, or things in the same vein.

8. To Name a Few

We also recommend using “to name a few” in your writing. It shows you how to write “etc.” in a resume to mix things up and impress a recruiter.

Try using it when you want someone to pay attention to the things you’re listing.

It shows you’ve thought about further elements to a list, but you don’t feel the need to share them.

These resume samples should also help you with it:

I wanted to work alongside cars, motorbikes, and boats, to name a few. That’s why I know the transport industry is for me.

Banks, accountants, and betting agencies, to name a few, were my main focus. They all collected money to some degree.

9. To Mention a Couple

You can also try “to mention a couple” to sound a bit more light-hearted and friendly.

This is a great synonym to include in your writing for many reasons.

Generally, it keeps your writing more casual. However, it also allows you to fill out a list without including too many parts and boring the reader.

Also, check out these examples if you need to understand it better:

We started with cars and bikes, to mention a couple. From there, we explored other avenues to see what stuck.

It made sense to try weightlifting, CrossFit, and powerlifting, to mention a couple of training modalities. Then, we’d have a wider range to base our results on.

10. Among Other Things

Finally, we recommend using “among other things” instead of “etc.”

It works really well in academic writing. Generally, you can use it when you don’t want to list something fully but want to give the reader a full idea of what you’re trying to say.

It keeps things formal and clear. It’s one of the better ways to ensure readers know what you’re talking about. You’ll fill them with confidence and show them that you know what’s coming next.

Feel free to refer to these examples to learn more about it:

It’s worth exploring the works of Michael Jones, Tim Marcus, and Bradley Taylor, among other things. They seem to know the most.

We tried completing it with each other, with the other firm, and alone, among other things. However, there didn’t seem to be a reasonable outcome.