9 Other Ways to Say “Enjoy Your Time Off” in an Email

If one of your coworkers is about to take some time off, it’s polite to wish them well. You could use “enjoy your time off,” but is it the most effective phrase here?

This article will explore some alternatives to “enjoy your time off.” We’ll give you some options to keep things interesting and formal.

Is It Professional to Say “Enjoy Your Time Off”?

It is professional to say “enjoy your time off.” It’s a great way to close an email when someone has booked some vacation time and it’s about to come up.

We recommend using it to formally address an employee. It shows you understand their schedule and want to wish them well if they have a holiday coming up.

Alternatively, you can use it to informally say goodbye to a coworker. It’s a great way to build a good friendship with them.

Here is an email example to show you how to use it:

Hi Matty,

I’m glad you completed the project in time before you left.

Enjoy your time off,
Ben White


  • It’s a positive way to close an email.
  • It shows you care about someone’s schedule outside of work.


  • It’s a bit too personal in particularly formal situations.
  • It’s quite generic.

“Enjoy your time off” is a great way to end a formal email. However, that doesn’t mean it’s the only option.

Keep reading to learn how to say “enjoy your time off” in an email or message at work. There are plenty of great choices available.

What to Say Instead of “Enjoy Your Time Off”

  • Enjoy your time away
  • Have a great time away
  • Enjoy your vacation
  • Have a fun holiday
  • Have the best time away
  • I hope you have a great vacation
  • I hope you enjoy yourself
  • Have a relaxing time away
  • See you when you get back

1. Enjoy Your Time Away

Another way to say “enjoy your time off” is “enjoy your time away.” Do you notice how only one word changes in the phrase, though?

Sometimes, the most effective synonyms are the ones that keep the original phrase intact.

Therefore, changing “off” to “away” is a great way to keep formal emails fresh. It gives you another choice without overcomplicating things or making your writing too conversational.

You can use this as an email closer to employees. It shows you’re happy to speak to them one last time before they go on vacation.

Here’s a great example to help you with it:

Dear Suzie,

Thank you so much for getting these projects done before you leave. You’ve really helped us to move this forward.

Enjoy your time away,
Dan Brent

2. Have a Great Time Away

It’s worth writing “have a great time away” when emailing your boss. It’s very professional and respectful, showing that you appreciate them and the work they do for your company.

You can write “have a great time away” as an email closer. We recommend it because it shows you’ve paid attention to someone’s schedule and know when a vacation is coming up.

Generally, this works best when emailing your boss. After all, not many employees will pay attention to when their boss books time off. So, it’ll set you apart from your peers because it shows you care.

We recommend reviewing this email example if you’re still stuck:

Dear Mr. Kingsley,

I will let you know more about the project on your return. I have a feeling I’ll have most of it completed for you.

Have a great time away,
Jackson Polio

3. Enjoy Your Vacation

“Enjoy your vacation” is a simple way to say “enjoy your time off.” You can switch “time off” for “vacation” to keep things light-hearted yet formal.

For instance, you can use this when emailing a client. It shows they’re about to go on vacation, and you want to wish them well before they do so.

Using “enjoy” keeps things a bit more friendly as well. It’s better than using traditional professional phrases like “have a great time” or “all the best.”

Also, check out this example if you still need help:

Dear Sandra,

Thank you so much for contacting me about this. I’ll email you again in two weeks once I have more information.

Enjoy your vacation,
Joseph Starley

4. Have a Fun Holiday

To keep things exciting and friendly, try “have a fun holiday.”

You can use this in countless professional situations. However, it works best when you have a decent and friendly relationship already in place with the email recipient.

For example, you can try closing an email to a repeat customer. Using “have a fun holiday” lets the customer know you listen to them and want them to have a good time away.

Here’s a useful sample email to show you how it works:

Dear Mr. Mayer,

I’m afraid I don’t have any information for you at the moment. I appreciate that you will be away for the next few weeks as well.

Have a fun holiday,
Holly Copley

5. Have the Best Time Away

“Have the best time away” is another friendly synonym for “enjoy your time off.” You can use this when you know the recipient well and want to wish them the best.

It’s a very positive phrase to include at the end of an email. You may use it to wish an employee well before leaving for a few weeks.

After all, employees must run it by their bosses before booking holidays. So, if you’re the boss, you likely already know when your employees plan on taking some time away.

Therefore, saying “have the best time away” in an email shows you remembered their holiday request. It’s a great way to boost morale and show them you care.

This example will also help you understand it:

Dear Adrian,

This has been a massive help to the company. Thank you so much for completing the project without us needing to ask.

Have the best time away,
Steven Anthony

6. I Hope You Have a Great Vacation

Try using “I hope you have a great vacation” in formal emails. It’s incredibly effective when emailing your boss.

Sometimes, emailing your boss can be daunting. It’s made more challenging if you have bad news to share with them (i.e. if you’ve missed a deadline).

However, you can keep things more light-hearted with “I hope you have a great vacation.”

That way, if you let your boss down, they might not be too upset. They might appreciate your kind words and be more forgiving of you when they come back.

Here’s a great example to show you how to use it:

Dear Ms. Smith,

I’m afraid I haven’t completed the project in time for your vacation. However, I will have it ready for you when you get back.

I hope you have a great vacation,
Georgia Dickinson

7. I Hope You Enjoy Yourself

There are always fun ways to express yourself in more friendly emails. The only thing you need to watch for is keeping your written tone friendly when you already have a good relationship with the recipient.

For instance, you can write “I hope you enjoy yourself” when messaging clients.

It shows you hope they have the best time on vacation.

It’s also a good way to let them know that you’re happy to hear from them and you pay attention to what they get up to outside of the workplace.

We also recommend reviewing this email sample:

Dear Mr. Perkins,

I will let you know as soon as I have more information. However, I won’t have anything new to share until after your holiday.

I hope you enjoy yourself,
Dean Scott

8. Have a Relaxing Time Away

Everyone wants to relax while on vacation. Usually, it’s why people book vacations in the first place. After all, work can be stressful. We all need time to take the weight off our shoulders!

That’s where “have a relaxing time away” comes in.

It’s a great alternative to “enjoy your time off.” It works when emailing colleagues. Generally, this is a great way to show that you care about their life outside of work.

Check out the following sample email if you’re still unsure:

Dear Delphine,

Thank you so much for reaching out. I’ll be in touch when I’ve spoken to my boss about your situation.

Have a relaxing time away,
Amy O’Brien

9. See You When You Get Back

Finally, you may use “see you when you get back” instead of “enjoy your time off.” It’s a great one to include when you know how long someone is away.

You can use it to email a coworker. It shows you look forward to their return. Usually, this implies that you’re excited to hear about the things they got up to while on vacation.

Here is a great email example to help you with it:

Dear Luigi,

This is going to be a difficult project to get through alone. I’ll certainly need your input before continuing.

See you when you get back,
Max Touche