10 Synonyms for “Unless Otherwise Specified”

So, you want to use “unless otherwise specified” in a sentence, but you’re worried it sounds forced or repetitive.

Did you know you have other options available to you, though?

This article is here to help! We’ll teach you how to say “unless otherwise specified” in different situations.

Is It Formal to Say “Unless Otherwise Specified”?

It is formal to say “unless otherwise specified.” It works well when you’d like someone to do something as written unless you provide further instructions in the future.

Generally, you can use it in two ways. There are two variations that work. For instance:

  • Unless otherwise specified.
  • Unless specified otherwise.

Both are correct and acceptable in formal writing.

You can refer to these examples to see how the variations work:

Please continue working on this project unless otherwise specified. That would be a great help to us.

Unless specified otherwise, I’d like you to keep doing this. Please let me know how you get on.


  • It’s a great formal phrase.
  • It allows you to show that things might change in the future.


  • It’s a bit repetitive.
  • It can seem a bit blunt.

Clearly, “unless otherwise specified” is a great phrase to use in formal writing. However, it’s not the only useful option! There are plenty of synonyms available.

So, keep reading to learn another way to say “unless otherwise specified.” We’ll teach you the best alternatives to help you keep things interesting.

What to Say Instead of “Unless Otherwise Specified”

  • Except if stated otherwise
  • Unless otherwise stated
  • Unless indicated otherwise
  • If not specified differently
  • Unless directed differently
  • Unless mentioned otherwise
  • Without any other indications
  • Except when otherwise told
  • In the absence of specific provisions
  • Unless expressly stated otherwise

1. Except if Stated Otherwise

To start with, you can use “except if stated otherwise.” This is a great phrase to include in formal emails that shows you might have a plan to change something in the future.

Generally, it works when emailing an employee.

It allows them to see how you’d like them to complete a task or project.

If you change anything in the future, you will “state” it. This helps employees to keep track of what they should be doing and ensure they get things right.

You can also refer to this email sample to learn how it works:

Dear Adam,

You must continue working on the project as described except if stated otherwise. We have a tight schedule to complete this.

Jon Walker

2. Unless Otherwise Stated

You can also use “unless otherwise stated” as another way to say “unless otherwise specified.”

It’s a great professional phrase that doesn’t change much about the original expression. So, we recommend trying it to keep things similar but unique.

For instance, it might be worth using it when emailing a client.

It lets them know that you have a plan in mind for a specific project or arrangement. It also suggests you’ll be in touch if anything changes.

Here’s a great sample email to show you more about how it works:

Dear Mr. Jacobs,

Unless otherwise stated, this is how we plan on moving forward. Will you be okay with the arrangement?

Summer Touche

3. Unless Indicated Otherwise

For something a little different, try “unless indicated otherwise.” This is a great phrase that helps things to stay formal and polite.

Generally, you can use this when communicating with a client.

For instance, a company might be redoing some things. You might not know exactly what the plan is, so you can’t keep the client in the loop.

However, it’s worth letting them know to keep things up the same as usual unless you tell them otherwise.

Feel free to review the following email example to learn more about how it works:

Dear Mr. Jeffries,

I will continue working on this unless indicated otherwise. For the time being, you will still communicate with me.

All the best,
Kim Billion

4. If Not Specified Differently

Feel free to use “if not specified differently” in your emails as well.

It’s an excellent professional phrase that shows you have a few plans that might change.

Use it when emailing a coworker. It shows that you have a few ideas about a team project and would like to run them by your coworkers to see what they think.

So, until you change your mind or give them different directions, it helps to keep everyone in the loop.

You can refer to this email sample to learn more about it:

Dear Aimee,

If not specified differently, then we will keep it up like this. Do you think you’re going to be okay with it?

Garry Linkman

5. Unless Directed Differently

Another good choice is “unless directed differently.” This one works quite well in formal writing.

It can be included in a message to employees. It shows that you have directions for them to follow.

Of course, the directions might change in the future. If you’re unsure when or if that will happen, it’s good to use a phrase like this to let them know.

Feel free to refer to these examples to learn more about it:

This is all we can offer you currently unless directed differently. Please let us know if this will work for you.

Unless directed differently, assume that you will continue to work in this capacity. Does that make sense?

6. Unless Mentioned Otherwise

Feel free to write “unless mentioned otherwise” instead of “unless otherwise specified.”

Generally, this phrase stays very similar to the original expression. After all, it’s already a great formal choice, so why change it too much?

Using “mentioned” instead of “specified” will help you to mix things up. It’ll keep your messages unique and engaging, ensuring that people pay attention to what might change.

You should also refer to these examples to learn more about how it works:

Look, unless mentioned otherwise, I think you should keep working on this. It was the boss’s idea, after all!

Unless mentioned otherwise, please keep this up. You’re doing a great job right now.

7. Without Any Other Indications

We recommend using “without any other indications” as a formal way to say “unless otherwise specified.”

It’s a great choice that shows you expect something to continue as originally mentioned unless something changes.

This gives you a great way to contact coworkers. It lets them know that you’ll work with them or alongside them unless you’re given any indications that might change that.

It’s polite and direct, so you really can’t go wrong with it.

Feel free to check out these examples if you still need help with it:

We are going to keep working without any other indications. So, unless someone tells us to stop, we must keep it up.

Without any other indications, this seems to be the best way to move forward. Do you understand that?

8. Except When Otherwise Told

You can write “except when otherwise told” in a formal email in place of “unless otherwise specified.”

This works well when addressing your team. It shows that you’d like to share information with them that should stay the same.

However, if they are told that the information will change, then at least they will expect it.

It’s a great way to keep things professional and open. It shows that you’ve thought things through and expect certain pieces of information to change in the future.

You can also refer to this sample email to learn more:

Dear Team,

You should all come together to work on this project except when otherwise told. I hope you’re okay with that.

Madison Trix

9. In the Absence of Specific Provisions

Try using “in the absence of specific provisions” instead of “unless otherwise specified.”

It’s a great way to show that you’re providing basic information,but it could be liable to change.

Generally, this works well when emailing a client. It shows that you’ve gathered some information to help them and want to see if they’re okay with it as it stands.

Of course, the information might change moving forward. But for now, it’s worth letting them know.

Feel free to review this email sample to learn more about it:

Dear Mr. Parker,

In the absence of specific provisions, this seems like the way we will move forward. I hope that works for you.

Yours sincerely,
Tom Jones

10. Unless Expressly Stated Otherwise

Finally, we recommend using “unless expressly stated otherwise.” This makes the phrase obvious and direct, which can work really well in most formal emails.

Generally, this keeps things professional. It shows that you have a specific plan in mind, and things won’t change unless someone expressly states the changes.

The key is in including the word “expressly.”

This shows that things are more than likely to stay the same. It’s only if something drastic changes that someone might say something.

Here’s a great sample email to show you more about how it works:

Dear Tony,

Unless expressly stated otherwise, this is the plan that I’d like you to follow. Let me know if you have questions.

Rachael Green