10 Synonyms for “Skills” on a Resume

So, you’re trying to find a way to talk about your “skills” on a resume, right?

Well, you might worry that “skills” isn’t a good phrase or is a bit repetitive.

Fear not! We’re here to help.

This article will explain what to say instead of “skills” to help you keep your writing fresh and engaging.

Is “Skills” a Good Word for Your Resume?

“Skills” is a good word for your resume. It works well because it allows you to talk about all the things you’ve picked up throughout the years of your employment.

Generally, “skills” is a subheading in a resume. It allows you to list your skills in an easy way for the recruiters or employers to see what you’re capable of.

For example:

  • Skills:
    • Well-versed with Microsoft Office
    • Excellent communicator
    • Team leader

However, you can also use it in a sentence, such as:

I have picked up many skills that apply to a job such as this. I’m very excited to showcase what I can do.


  • It’s one of the best ways to describe your past experience.
  • It shows you value your ability and what you can achieve.


  • It comes up all the time, so it’s a bit repetitive.
  • Recruiters are looking for more interesting ways for applicants to discuss their “skills.”

While “skills” is a great phrase to include on a resume, that doesn’t mean you should limit yourself to it. So, you should have a few alternatives ready to help you out.

Keep reading to learn how to say “skills” on a resume. We’ve touched on some of the best synonyms to help you explore your options.

What to Say Instead of “Skills”

  • Abilities
  • Proficiencies
  • Expertise
  • Talents
  • Capabilities
  • Qualifications
  • Strengths
  • Accomplishments
  • Know-how
  • Technical skills

1. Abilities

One of the best alternatives to using “skills” on your resume is “abilities.”

This is a great word that keeps things formal and direct. It lets recruiters know what you are capable of and what you’re willing to bring with you to the workplace.

Generally, this is a great way to list your qualifications or skills. It’ll help to keep things easier for recruiters and employers to read.

You can also review these resume samples:

I have a lot of abilities that will help me in this workplace. I’m excited to show you more about what I can do.

My abilities will help me to stand out more amongst the other applicants. So, I hope you can see that and ask me for more information.

2. Proficiencies

You can use “proficiencies” as another word for “skills” on a resume.

It shows you how to describe skills on a resume by keeping things more professional and sincere.

Generally, this is a great way to encourage an employer to hire you. It lets them know that you mean business and want to prove yourself quickly.

Also, feel free to review the following CV samples:

I’m proud of my proficiencies here. I’m so excited to join your company, as I know I’ll be a great fit.

These are my main proficiencies. I’m happy to explore them further with you if you’d like to take it to an interview.

3. Expertise

You can use “expertise” as another synonym for “skills” as well.

This time, it’s a more subtle yet professional word to include. We like using “expertise” because it lets people know what you can do.

Also, if you think you’re an expert in something, it means you’re confident in your own knowledge.

So, it’s a great way to ty and sell yourself.

Feel free to review these examples if you’re still unsure:

It’s clear that my expertise has set me up for success in this field. I know that I’ll be a great fit if you choose to hire me.

This is my expertise. Please review it and let me know what you think. I’m hopeful that this role will be good for both of us.

4. Talents

Feel free to write “talents” instead of “skills” as well. This is a great way to mix things up, as it’s a formal synonym that shows you have a lot of knowledge or experience.

Generally, “talents” refers to things you’ve always been good at. So, it’s a great phrase to include that lets someone know you’re keen to impress them.

Here are some great examples to help you understand it:

I have many talents that I’d like to share regarding this position. Then, you’ll know that I’m serious about the role.

My talents stand on their own. I have shown you what I can do, and I look forward to hearing from you.

5. Capabilities

Another great term to use on a resume is “capabilities.” This works well when replacing “skills” because it shows what you’re capable of bringing to a team.

Generally, this is a great way to impress an employer. They’ll be more likely to consider you for a role if they can see how your capabilities might directly correlate to the position you are applying for.

You can also check out these examples to learn more:

My capabilities are unlike anyone else’s. I’m very excited to join the team, and I hope you consider me moving forward.

These are my main capabilities. I’m certain that they’ll make me a good fit for this role as you look to hire a candidate.

6. Qualifications

We also recommend including “qualifications” on your resume. This is a great way to let people know the types of things you’ve picked up over the years.

Generally, “qualifications” directly relate to the knowledge you’ve gained. It refers to things like training courses and certifications you might have received that will help you in the jobs you go for.

It’s formal and to the point. So, it makes it very clear to the reader what they should expect from you.

If you’re still unsure, check out these examples:

These are my qualifications. Please review them and let me know whether you think I’m a good fit for this role.

I have a great deal of qualifications that help me in this field. I’m happy to demonstrate what I can do at an interview.

7. Strengths

It’s good to use “strengths” to try and sell yourself in a resume as well. This is a great term that replaces “skills” by showing how you hold specific experience in high regard.

Generally, if something is your “strength,” it means you’re very confident with it. This is a great way to impress a recruiter who’s looking through your resume to learn more about you.

Here are some cover letter samples to help you figure out how to use it:

These are my main strengths. I also know that they’re a great fit for this role, and I’m excited to bring them with me.

My strengths stand out compared to other candidates. I’m very excited to show you what I can do before we move forward.

8. Accomplishments

You can also write “accomplishments” in your resume instead of “skills.” We certainly recommend using this to show what you’re able to bring to a team.

Generally, “accomplishments” refers to things you’ve already achieved in the workplace.

So, it’s a great way to brag about yourself (in a positive way, of course).

These resume samples will also help you to understand it:

I have many accomplishments that work well in a job like this. So, I’m convinced that this role is right for me.

My accomplishments speak for themselves. I’m so excited to see what comes next when we start working together.

9. Know-How

Try using “know-how” to let a recruiter know what you can do.

We recommend it because it’s a useful formal phrase. It shows that you’re able to bring your knowledge to a job because it directly correlates with the things someone is asking you to do.

Of course, this usually works best when you’re able to back it up with evidence. So, it might be worth including things in your portfolio or resume to express how you have “know-how.”

If you’re still unsure, you can review these examples:

I have a lot of know-how to help me in this field. I’m confident that I’ll be able to bring it with me if you consider me.

My know-how has developed over the years. I’m proud of everything I’ve achieved and what I can bring to the table.

10. Technical Skills

You can also use “technical skills” instead of “skills.” Yes, technically, it means the same thing.

However, adding “technical” before “skills” helps you to spice things up.

It shows that you’ve got hands-on experience with certain things. This is a great way to show that you’re already well-versed in a situation and know how to handle yourself.

Generally, this allows you to sell yourself to an employer. They’ll be much more likely to want to hire you after using a phrase like this.

Feel free to check out these examples if you still need help with it:

I have a lot of technical skills relating to this area. I’m certain that you’ll be impressed with what I can do.

My technical skills will help me to stand out in this field. I’m glad that you’re considering me for the position.