10 Other Ways to Say “Thinking of You”

So, you’re trying to sound sincere and kind when saying “thinking of you” in a card, message, or email.

However, you’re also worried that “thinking of you” is too generic or impersonal.

Luckily, you have options!

This article will explain how to tell someone you are thinking of them during a difficult time.

Is It Professional to Say “Thinking of You”?

It is not professional to say “thinking of you.” While the phrase is caring and supportive, it’s not something you’ll ever find used in formal emails.

Unfortunately, it comes across as too friendly and conversational. So, you can’t use it when contacting your boss or employees who are going through a hard time.

Instead, stick to using it in private contexts. It’s much better when used for family and friends.

Here’s a great card message sample to help you understand when it’s appropriate:

Hey, Barry. We are thinking of you, and we hope you start feeling better soon!


  • It’s genuine and sincere.
  • It’s very friendly and shows how much you care.


  • It’s not professional.
  • It’s a bit generic with no real personal touch.

Clearly, “thinking of you” doesn’t work all that well in formal emails. However, formal emails aren’t the only places you can write to tell someone you care.

So, it’s time to explore some alternatives and see what else is out there.

Keep reading to learn other ways to say “thinking of you.” We’ve covered both professional and friendly options to help you regardless of the situation.

What to Say Instead of “Thinking of You”

  • You are in my thoughts
  • We’re keeping you in mind
  • I have you in my thoughts
  • I’m holding you in my thoughts
  • Sending positive thoughts your way
  • Just wanted you to know you’re on my mind
  • You’ve been on my mind lately
  • We’ve been thinking about you
  • Keeping you in our thoughts
  • Just a little reminder that I’m thinking of you

1. You Are in My Thoughts

Feel free to start with “you are in my thoughts.” Now, this choice is more professional and shows that you care about someone in the workplace.

Generally, this will work best when emailing a coworker. It shows that they’re going through something tough, but you want to remind them that you’re there if they need you.

If you’re still unsure, check out this example:

Dear Adam,

You are in my thoughts at this difficult time. Please let me know if there’s anything I can do to make your life easier.

All the best,
Otis Redding

2. We’re Keeping You in Mind

Another good formal choice is “we’re keeping you in mind.”

This time, you can use “we’re” to represent a team or company. This helps things to sound more sincere and professional when emailing on behalf of your workplace.

For instance, you can use it when emailing an employee. The “we” portion of the phrase suggests that you and all of their coworkers are keeping them in mind.

Also, you can review this sample email:

Dear Charlie,

We’re keeping you in mind at this time of sorrow. It’s so unfair that you’ve had to go through this.

Jon Craigs

3. I Have You in My Thoughts

Another way to spice up your email messages is with “I have you in my thoughts.” It shows genuine care and kindness towards the recipient.

We recommend using it when emailing an employee.

Generally, this is a good way to show that you respect their decision to take some time off work, especially if they need to work through some things.

This email example will help you to understand more about it:

Dear Howie,

I have you in my thoughts today. Please don’t be too hard on yourself, but get back to me if I can help at all.

Duncan Bradshaw

4. I’m Holding You in My Thoughts

Now, let’s change things up a bit! Instead of only worrying about email alternatives, we think it’s wise to know what to write in a card or text message when someone needs help.

That’s where “I’m holding you in my thoughts” comes in. It’s a great phrase that shows you care about the recipient of the message.

It’s friendly and sweet, making it useful when you know them very well.

We recommend using it when messaging a friend who you care deeply about.

Here are some great message samples to help you understand it better:

Hey, I’m holding you in my thoughts. I hope you’re okay, and I want you to know that I’ll always be in your corner.

I’m holding you in my thoughts. It’s been a difficult time for you, but I’m here if you want to talk.

5. Sending Positive Thoughts Your Way

If you want another way to say “thinking of you” professionally, you could write “sending positive thoughts your way.”

It’s a great choice that works well in formal emails. Generally, this lets the recipient know that you’re thinking of them and want them to feel better.

Typically, you would use a phrase like this when reaching out to customers. If they’re long-time customers, this is a great way to add a more personal touch to an email.

You can also review this email sample:

Dear Mr. Darkness,

Sending positive thoughts your way at this sad time. Take as much time as you need away from work to sort yourself out.

Abbie Dommett

6. Just Wanted You to Know You’re on My Mind

You can also write “just wanted you to know you’re on my mind” instead of “thinking of you.”

This time, it’s a great choice to include in a friendly card that shows you’re thinking of someone.

It’s especially effective when your friend has gone through a rough patch. It shows that you’ll always be there to help them.

Also, feel free to review these examples to learn how it works:

Hey, Mark. I just wanted you to know you’re on my mind at this sad time. I wish there was something more I could say, though.

Just wanted you to know you’re on my mind. This can’t be easy, but I’m here if you can think of anything I can do to help.

7. You’ve Been on My Mind Lately

If you want to know what to write in a card to say “thinking of you,” try “you’ve been on my mind lately.”

Honestly, it doesn’t get more personal and caring than that. This is a great phrase to include in a get-well-soon card for someone who is struggling.

It also shows that you’re a supportive friend. So, if they need anything from you, they only need to ask.

Here are some great message samples to help you understand it if you’re still unsure:

You’ve been on my mind lately. I want you to know that you always have a supporter in me, regardless of what happens.

Well, you’ve been on my mind lately. I’m worried that you’re struggling far more than you let on.

8. We’ve Been Thinking About You

Next, we recommend including “we’ve been thinking about you” when representing multiple people.

For instance, you might use this phrase when talking on behalf of your coworkers. You can send it to another coworker who’s out of work due to sickness or misfortune.

We also recommend reviewing these examples:

Hey, Pablo. We’ve been thinking about you at this office. It’d be nice for you to come back and see us soon.

We’ve been thinking about you, and we want you to know that we support you whatever comes next.

9. Keeping You in Our Thoughts

Another great phrase to include in your writing is “keeping you in our thoughts.” It’s effective as a more friendly alternative to “thinking of you.”

Generally, it lets the recipient know that they’re on your mind.

So, if they’re going through a rough time, this is a great way to show support and solidarity. It also suggests they can rely on you if they need help with anything.

If you’re still unsure, review these card message samples:

We’re keeping you in our thoughts at this difficult time. Please don’t hesitate to ask us if you need any help.

Keeping you in our thoughts, Brad. You’re not alone, and we will do anything we can to help you move forward.

10. Just a Little Reminder That I’m Thinking of You

Lastly, you can try “just a little reminder that I’m thinking of you.” This one is more friendly and sincere, so it works well as a quick pick-me-up for your friends.

Try using it to let someone know you’re thinking of them. It’s brief and caring, making it a great choice to include in a card or message when your friend is struggling with something.

Generally, it’s going to put a smile on your friend’s face. Don’t just take our word for it, though. Write it in your next get well soon card and see for yourself.

Don’t forget to review these message samples to learn more about it:

Just a little reminder that I’m thinking of you, Parker. I wish you a speedy recovery at this time.

This message is just a little reminder that I’m thinking of you. Remember, you always have me in your corner.