Body’s or Bodies’ or Bodies?

The term body’s is the singular possessive form of body. E.g., “The body’s physical response to trauma is involuntary.” Furthermore, bodies’ is the plural possessive form. E.g., “We should learn to use our bodies’ inner strengths.” Lastly, bodies is the plural form of body.

The following table highlights the four different forms of the word body. As you can see, the term body is irregular, and you form the plural by adding the suffix “ies”:

Singular possessiveBody’s
Plural possessiveBodies’

Furthermore, as well as referring to the body of humans and animals, the term body has several other meanings.

One refers to people who come together for a particular reason, such as governing bodies or student bodies.

Another refers to the main section of a building or vehicle, e.g., the body of an aircraft.

Finally, the word body can also refer to a large area of water such as a reservoir or lake.

The following examples highlight the different meanings and show the four forms in context.

  • Singular: The governing body in charge of sport and culture has applied to host the games.
  • Plural: Bodies of water worldwide are becoming more and more polluted.
  • Singular possessive: My body’s reaction to spicy food is not enjoyable.
  • Plural possessive: Government bodies’ actions should be subjected to more scrutiny.

Please keep reading the remainder of the article to learn more about using the different forms of the word body correctly.

There are some great example sentences waiting to be read by you!


The term body’s is the singular possessive form of the word body. Therefore, you use it to indicate that something belongs to a single body.

You use the term body’s most commonly to refer to a human or animal body.

  • Your body’s ability to fight disease is one of the most remarkable aspects of science.
  • It’s essential to take care of your body’s nutritional needs to maintain good health.
  • Your body’s capacity to heal after an injury is truly astonishing.

Alternatively, the word body can refer to the main section of a vehicle.

  • When the car was hit. The body’s strength meant that the driver was unharmed.
  • The car’s body’s paint job was so immaculate that it reflected the surroundings perfectly.
  • The airplane’s body’s aerodynamic design helps it achieve higher speeds with less fuel consumption.

Also, you can use the word body to refer to a group of people who gather for a particular purpose. In this context, the word body is similar to committee or panel.

  • The governing body’s chairman for economic development has resigned over a corruption scandal.
  • The student body’s president delivered a powerful speech at the graduation ceremony.
  • The jury body’s unanimous decision led to the defendant’s acquittal.

Next, we’ll explain how you should use bodies’ in your sentences.


The term bodies’ is the plural possessive form of body. That means you use it to mention that something belongs to various bodies.

When talking about the human body and using the pronouns our or their, you need to use bodies’ rather than body’s because they are plural pronouns.

For example:

  • Our bodies’ immune systems are incredibly resilient.
  • Their bodies’ stamina is impressive.
  • Athletes ensure their bodies’ physical conditions are at peak performance before a major event.
  • With age, our bodies’ metabolism slows down, making it harder to maintain weight.

Furthermore, you can also use bodies’ to refer to a plural number of committees.

  • Government bodies’ recruitment and promotion should be transparent.
  • Regulatory bodies’ oversight is crucial for maintaining the integrity of financial markets.
  • Media bodies’ responsibility in reporting unbiased news is crucial for an informed public.

Also, you can use bodies’ to refer to a plural quantity of water features, such as lakes, rivers, and reservoirs.

  • Water bodies’ cleanliness across the country has improved.
  • These bodies’ ecosystems have suffered due to untreated industrial waste being dumped into them.
  • Many countries rely on shared water bodies’ resources, leading to international cooperation and sometimes conflict.

Lastly, let’s explain how to use bodies correctly in a sentence.


Bodies is the plural form of body. Therefore, you use the term bodies to refer to more than one body.

First of all, it can refer to human and animal bodies, and this is the most common use.

  • Our bodies are incredibly resilient against disease and infection.
  • The bodies of the insects were wriggling around on top of each other.
  • Ancient tombs often have mummified bodies preserved for thousands of years.
  • Many people donate their bodies to science after passing, aiding medical research.

Secondly, it can refer to committee-style bodies.

  • Tax bodies are notorious for pursuing debtors.
  • International bodies are meeting this week to discuss global climate strategies.
  • Some international bodies regulate trade to ensure fair practices globally.

Thirdly, the term bodies can also refer to areas of water.

  • Bodies of water in my state contain dangerous levels of lead.
  • Large bodies of freshwater are crucial for sustaining life in many regions.
  • Protecting bodies of water from pollution is vital for both human and wildlife survival.