9 Synonyms for “Managed” on a Resume

Are you trying to figure out what to use instead of “managed” on a resume?

Perhaps you’re tired of using it repeatedly because you think it’s generic and uninteresting.

Fear not! You have plenty of other options available to you.

This article will show you how to say you managed something on a resume.

Is It Professional to Say “Managed”?

It is professional to say “managed.” Naturally, it’s a simple professional choice because it refers to being a “manager” of some kind.

Therefore, it is a good resume word. However, it is a little bit overused, so you should try to limit how often you include it.

You can also review this resume sample to learn a bit more about it:

I have managed inventory and stock for as long as I have been at the company. Therefore, I know my fair share of what’s expected.


  • It’s a simple and effective term to include in a resume.
  • It’s a great way to show you have managerial potential.


  • It’s overused.
  • It’s not the most inspiring term to include if you want to impress someone.

Well, it’s clear that “managed” is great to use in a resume. But that doesn’t mean you should stick to using it as your only valuable option!

Keep reading to learn a better word for “managed.” We’ve gathered a list of some of the best alternatives to show you what you can write instead.

What to Say Instead of “Managed”

  • Oversaw
  • Coordinated
  • Directed
  • Supervised
  • Orchestrated
  • Guided
  • Conducted
  • Executed
  • Led

1. Oversaw

We recommend starting with “oversaw” as another word for “managed.”

You can use this to show you have managed specific tasks or goals in the workplace.

Generally, people will look at this as a step above “managed.” It’s a great way to show that you took the leading role in a situation and learned a lot from doing so.

We recommend using it as it’s formal and sincere. Also, it doesn’t need further clarification, so the reader will know what you’re talking about.

You can also refer to these resume samples to learn a bit more:

I oversaw the operational side of the business. Therefore, I know a great deal about what’s expected from us.

I oversaw multiple different projects. Without my input, there would have been many more errors.

2. Coordinated

Feel free to try writing “coordinated” instead of “managed.” This is a great way to keep things professional and clear.

For the most part, people use this when they have been put in charge of a project.

You can use it to show you managed a team or controlled an operation. Of course, it makes the most sense if you use it to refer to a time you were successful.

After all, it might not be beneficial to the cause if you talk about something you “coordinated” that ultimately failed.

Check out these examples if you still need a bit of help with it:

I coordinated the efforts to complete the merger. I’m proud to say I learned a lot from that and have carried it with me.

I have coordinated many team projects. Therefore, I would consider myself to be an excellent team leader.

3. Directed

For something more professional, use “directed.” It is another way to say “managed” that suggests you managed someone or multiple people.

It can also refer to managing specific tasks (like inventory or stock reports).

Generally, this works well as a more formal phrase because it relates to being a “director.”

Of course, “director” is a very important role in the business world. Therefore, including something like this in a resume is a surefire way to impress the reader.

If you’re still unsure, perhaps these examples will help you:

Having directed inventory and stock, I have an eye for detail. Even on the most mundane lists, nothing escapes my attention.

I directed team meetings when possible. It is my belief that everyone should be on the same page before handling new projects.

4. Supervised

It’s also smart to use “supervised” in some cases.

For the most part, “supervised” is a word that works best when you have managed someone or a small group of people.

After all, the “supervisor” role usually applies to people who oversee a smaller team. A supervisor isn’t quite a manager, but it’s still an important role that often needs filling.

Therefore, you can use this to keep things formal and clear. It’s often obvious to the reader of your CV what you mean when using a word like “supervised.”

One of the best cases for using this word is if you’ve managed employees before. This could help the resume reader learn a bit more about it.

We also think it’s worth reviewing the following examples:

I supervised employees at my previous workplace. Therefore, I learned a lot about the managerial role I’m applying for.

It helps that I’ve supervised multiple different projects. I’m good at handling a team and ensuring people know what they’re doing.

5. Orchestrated

Try using “orchestrated” to help you mix things up.

It’s a great way to be formal and sincere. Generally, it’ll help you to make things clear because it shows that you’re happy to work on something from a leading position.

For instance, you might “orchestrate” a team project. It’s a great way to show you take control and act strongly as a team leader.

It may also work if you’re good at keeping clients happy. After all, it’s a helpful way to suggest you know how to keep on top of client relationships and ensure everyone is happy.

Whatever the case, using this phrase will help you to convince a recruiter that you’re the right person for a job!

You may also check out these resume samples if you’re still unsure:

I orchestrated team projects when possible. My manager put me in charge because they knew I could be trusted.

I have orchestrated many client relationships. Therefore, I know my way around pleasing people in a business context.

6. Guided

You might also want to use “guided” instead of “managed.”

After all, this term is a bit softer and less “in-your-face.” Therefore, it could work a bit better if you’re going for a more respectful or agreeable tone in your resume.

For instance, you may want to use this to talk about how you have managed a budget before. It could be a simple way to show you like number-crunching without seeming too uptight about it.

You can also check out these examples to learn a bit more about it:

I guided the finances of the operation. It was very helpful to learn more about the monetary cost behind most systems.

I guided the team to success whenever possible. That’s why I’m so proud of the work I put into this place.

7. Conducted

Next, it’s worth using “conducted” instead of “managed.” This could be a good way to mix things up if you’re looking for something with a more unique tone.

If you “conduct” something, it means you’re in charge of how it operates. It’s identical to managing something, but “conduct” doesn’t come up nearly as often as it should in the workplace.

Therefore, including it in a resume is a great way to help your writing stand out.

You may also review the following examples to learn a bit more about using it:

I conducted a research group on the direction of my employer at the time. I took a lot of experience and knowledge away from that.

It’s clear I’ve conducted multiple operations in the past. That’s why it’s fitting for me to apply for a role such as this one.

8. Executed

It’s also good to use “executed” in some cases.

Generally, you can use “executed” as a confident way to show how well you manage something.

“Execute” has a certain charm and chutzpah behind it that other synonyms lack. It shows you were in complete control of a situation and executed to perfection.

So, you might want to use this when applying for managerial positions to show you know what you’re talking about.

You can also review these samples to learn more:

I executed multiple team projects with the help of the best people I know. I’m very good at picking my teams.

I executed stock checks to ensure things were kept in order. If anything went missing, I would know about it.

9. Led

Finally, we recommend using “led.” It’s the past tense of “to lead,” showing that you are happy being in charge of something.

You can use this to show you’re a team leader. It’s a good word that implies you’re collaborative and happy to give orders when necessary.

Of course, this is often required in most job roles. That’s why it’s a good choice to include if you’re trying to impress a recruiter.

Feel free to review the following CV samples to learn a bit more:

I have led my coworkers during meetings because I’m good at getting points across. My employers have always trusted me with this.

I led multiple divisions across the company. I’m proud of the work I put in, and I feel like I learned a lot