9 Professional Synonyms for “I Would Love To”

It’s no surprise that “I would love to” shows you’re happy to do something. But is it professional enough to use in emails?

Well, you’re in luck! This article has gathered formal synonyms to help you find another way to say “I would love to.”

Is It Professional to Say “I Would Love To”?

It is not professional to say “I would love to.” It’s a bit too familiar and friendly, so it’s better in informal settings.

However, the phrase is still polite. You can use it in settings to tell your friends or family how excited you are to do something. It is not formal, but it’s still useful.

You can use it in the following way:

I would love to get to know you better.


  • It’s very useful in friendly settings.
  • It lets someone know how excited you are.


  • It’s too friendly, so it’s not professional.
  • There are no business email settings where this phrase is appropriate.

“I would love to” might be a good informal phrase, but it’s no use professionally. So, it’s worth knowing a few good alternatives to mix things up.

You should read on to learn synonyms for “I would love to” that will work better in an email.

What to Say Instead of “I Would Love To”

  • I am eager to
  • I’m happy to
  • I’ll be glad to
  • I would like to
  • I would appreciate the chance to
  • Of course, I will
  • Nothing would make me happier than to
  • It would be my honor to
  • I would be more than happy to

1. I Am Eager To

“I am eager to” shows you how to say “I would love to” professionally without overcomplicating anything. It’s a great alternative because it shows you’re keen to do something. It often works best in positive situations.

We recommend using it when emailing colleagues. It shows you want to put your ideas together and meet with them to discuss options that might help you.

Perhaps this example will help you understand it better:

Dear Howard,

I am eager to hear your thoughts on the changes. When are you free to sit down and have lunch?

All the best,
Katherine Ryan

2. I’m Happy To

Generally, a phrase like “I’m happy to” works well in most business emails. It shows that you’re in a good mood and are willing to do something to help someone else.

We recommend this one when emailing your boss. It’s a very positive phrase where “happy” represents your enthusiasm to start at a new company or join a new team.

You may also refer to this example:

Dear Holly,

I’m happy to join the team. Let me know when you’re ready for me to start! I can’t wait to begin.

All the best,
Sean Peterson

3. I’ll Be Glad To

Another great professional way to say “I would love to” is “I’ll be glad to.” Here, “be glad” represents positive emotions relating to doing a task for or with somebody.

We highly recommend this when emailing colleagues you work well with. It shows you’re happy to help them complete a task or do something together. It’s a great way to build a lasting working relationship by showing how happy you are to assist them.

Here’s a useful email example to show you when it works best:

Dear Kim,

Yes, I’ll be glad to help you with the event. What time would you like me to get there this evening?

Kind regards,

4. I Would Like To

Compared to the original phrase, “I would like to” isn’t much different. There isn’t a whole lot of change between “love” and “like.” However, “I would like to” is certainly more formal.

The problem with “I would love to” is that it’s a bit too familiar and friendly. It might put some recipients off because it sounds like you’re trying to build a personal and intimate relationship with them.

That’s why “I would like to” works much better. It’s still friendly, but it conveys a more respectful tone that works better when emailing new colleagues and welcoming yourself to a company.

Check out the following example email:

Dear Lewis,

I would like to be part of the team, so I’m happy to jump into this project with you. Thank you for the opportunity.

Best wishes,
Sarah Catford

5. I Would Appreciate the Chance to

You could include “I would appreciate the chance to” in a business email to let someone know that you’re happy to join a team. It’s a very respectful phrase that works when emailing a new boss and introducing yourself.

Generally, “appreciate” will always work better than “love” in formal contexts. Recipients prefer the word when trying to appear more presentable and professional.

This sample email will help you understand it more:

Dear Ms. Benjamin,

I would appreciate the chance to be a part of your company. Do you have any openings for me?

Kind regards,
Jon Adams

6. Of Course, I Will

A good way to show enthusiasm and helpfulness is with “of course, I will.” You don’t have to say something like “love to” after “I will” here. The phrase itself is already friendly and professional enough to get the job done.

We recommend using this when emailing colleagues. It shows you’re happy to help them with a task or assignment.

“Of course” is the key here. You don’t have to include it, but it’s there to show eagerness. So, if you want to build a good relationship with your colleagues, keep “of course” present.

You may want to refer to this email sample as well:

Dear Melanie,

Of course, I will help you with those projects. I’ll do what I can to get them completed quickly.

Kind regards,
Scott White

7. Nothing Would Make Me Happier Than To

Why not go a little bit crazy and use a phrase like “nothing would make me happier than to”? It’s a great way to show genuine enthusiasm. Okay, so it might not be the most professional synonym, but it’s still a great option to spice up your emails.

You should use it when emailing colleagues. It only works when you have a good working relationship with them and want to help them do something.

Sure, it isn’t all that effective when emailing your boss or a professional client. But that doesn’t mean you can’t have a bit of fun when talking to people you’re more friendly with.

Check out this sample email to see how it works:

Dear Roberto,

Sure, nothing would make me happier than to assist you. When should I come to the office to discuss this more?

Best wishes,
Greg Johnson

8. It Would Be My Honor To

Going back to a slightly more formal alternative, “it would be my honor to” works really well. We highly recommend it to show that you’re happy to meet someone.

Of course, using “honor” is a compliment designed to flatter the recipient. So, you should use it when emailing new clients who you’re keen to get working with your company.

The more polite and complimentary you can be, the more likely a client will stick around. That’s when a phrase like “it would be my honor to” comes in handy.

Of course, you shouldn’t go overboard with it. Use it once in an email, and that’s it. Any more than that, and you might lose the client you’ve tried so hard to keep.

This useful email example will also help if you’re unsure:

Dear Bethany,

It would be my honor to get to know you over a business lunch. I can do Monday if that works for you.

Kind regards,
Tim Doorbell

9. I Would Be More Than Happy To

The final synonym we want to share is “I would be more than happy to.” It’s a great one in formal emails because it shows you’re enthusiastic and keen.

Generally, this works well when emailing colleagues. “More than happy” is a more friendly alternative to “I would love to” that shows you’re happy to do whatever you can to make a colleague’s life easier.

You can also refer to this email example:

Dear Stefan,

I would be more than happy to give you a hand with this speech. I’ll get to work as soon as possible.

Debra Morgan