Figuring out the best practice in the workplace will help to maximize efficiency. So, it stands to reason that you should also figure out the best synonyms for “best practice.”
This article has gathered some great alternatives to help you. We’ll show you what to say instead of “best practice” to help keep your writing professional and exciting.
Is It Professional to Say “Best Practice”?
It is professional to say “best practice.” It’s a very common phrase to include in business writing. Nearly every formal reader understands what it means.
We recommend including it when discussing practices and methods via email. It shows you know what you’re speaking about, especially regarding maximizing efficiency.
You should also review this example to help:
I want to know the best practice for completing this task. Please have a detailed report about it ready for me.
- It’s a professional way to discuss the best ways to do something.
- It works well in every piece of formal writing.
- It’s overused.
- It doesn’t allow you to list other suitable practices (only the “best”).
It’s no surprise that “best practice” is one of the best phrases to include in formal writing. That doesn’t mean you can’t mix things up, though. Feel free to mix in some alternatives.
Keep reading to learn another term for “best practice.” We’ve also provided examples to help you.
What to Say Instead of “Best Practice”
- Benchmark
- Gold standard
- Baseline
- Convention
- Best policy
- Best method
- Plan of attack
- Best approach
- Reference point
- Best bet
1. Benchmark
For starters, there’s nothing wrong with “benchmark.” It’s an efficient and formal alternative because it only needs one word to get the point across.
When something is a benchmark, it means it’s a point of reference to compare to. It’s similar to using the saying “if it isn’t broken, don’t fix it.”
We recommend saying something is a benchmark when you trust its quality. It’s a great way to show someone what the best practice is without being overly wordy.
If you’re still unsure, review this sample email:
Dear Mr. Kingston,
We’re going to use this as the benchmark. After all, we’ve had the most success when working on projects like this.
Kind regards,
Samuel Williamson
2. Gold Standard
“Gold standard” is another phrase for “best practice.” It shows that you value one method above all others.
This phrase works well because it uses “gold” to describe a practice. It’s no secret that “gold” is one of the most precious metals (certainly more precious than silver and bronze).
Therefore, saying something is the “gold standard” means it’s the version that people should refer to. It’s a formal alternative that keeps things interesting in your writing.
The following example will also help you:
Dear Mathew,
I want you to do this to the gold standard we’ve already discussed. There’s no reason for you to put any less effort in.
All the best,
Stephanie Meyers
3. Baseline
Another great one-word alternative to “best practice” is “baseline.”
With a baseline, you have a good reference point. It often means something is the best way to complete a task, so you must follow the original plan or reference.
Generally, you can include this in an email discussing business plans. It shows you’re willing to work through something as long as you have an understanding of the best practices.
Here’s a great example to show you more about how it works:
Dear Mr. Kang,
What’s the baseline here? Have you got any documentation that might help me understand what you’re looking for?
Kind regards,
Georgia Wells
4. Convention
Another way to say “best practice” is “convention.” It’s a great choice if you’re going down a more simplified route.
It’s a formal alternative that shows you follow conventions (or rules).
If you follow the rules, it usually means you stick to what works already. That’s why “convention” is a good choice when replacing “best practice.”
After all, “best practice” refers to things that already work. So, why bother changing them?
Check out this example if you’re still unsure:
Dear Brooke,
I’m trying to follow conventions, so I need to know what works best. Please let me know if I’m on the right track.
Kind regards,
Sydney Adams
5. Best Policy
Have you ever heard the saying honesty is the best policy? Well, “best policy” is the focus of this section.
You can use “best policy” instead of “best practice.” It’s great to include in formal emails because it shows you’re looking for the most suitable option.
We recommend using it to show you’re evaluative and willing to look at different methods. That way, you can ensure you pick the best or most efficient choice before completing a project.
This email sample will also help you to understand it:
Dear Ms. Adonis,
What is the best policy to adopt here? I don’t want to make any mistakes before we continue with the project.
All the best,
Suzie Barker
6. Best Method
A simple alternative to use is “best method.” “Best practice” and “best method” are nearly identical.
Changing “practice” to “method” changes very little about the meaning. “Best method” still shows you have a good point of reference.
You should use it when you’ve asked around to find the best way to complete a task.
Here’s a great email example to show you how it works:
Dear Mr. Catford,
I have employed the best method, as instructed by you. Is there anything else you need me to do before continuing?
Riley Renner
7. Plan of Attack
To make things sound more exciting, try “plan of attack.” It’s a great way to show you’ve considered the best options and come up with a plan.
A plan of attack usually means you know how to make something work. You might have considered multiple variables, and this is a great way to show you’re ready for any challenge.
You can also review this example:
Dear Casey,
Please tell me you know the plan of attack. There’s a specific way to do something like this to make the most of the situation.
Best regards,
Rebecca Austin
8. Best Approach
A “best approach” shows you’re willing to find the best way to do something. Therefore, it’s a great formal synonym for “best practice.”
We recommend using it when discussing ideas for development in emails. For instance, you can use it when talking about efficiency or production at work.
It shows you’ve considered multiple ideas and settled on something you deem to be the “best.”
Check out this example if you’re still unsure:
Dear Mason,
I need to know the best approach before completing this product description. I want to ensure we’re on the same page.
Best wishes,
Steven Young
9. Reference Point
It’s always good to have a point to refer to. This allows you to weigh up the best practices before deciding or finalizing anything.
That’s why “reference point” works so well here. It shows you’re ready to refer to the most effective practice.
Usually, people would have practices in place. Or, there would be a company standard set up that everyone must abide by.
Whatever the case, you can call this a “reference point.” It’s a formal way to show what direction you’re going in with your work.
Here’s a great email sample to help you:
Dear Miss Cotton,
Do you have a reference point for me? I need something to base my work on to use as the best method to move forward.
Warmest regards,
Dean French
10. Best Bet
It’s worth touching on something a little more informal than the other choices. There’s nothing wrong with using “best bet” instead of “best practice” in some cases too.
Of course, “best bet” is more conversational and friendly.
You should know your audience before trying to include it in an email. For instance, it works best when discussing plans with colleagues rather than your boss.
As long as you know that informal language is acceptable, you can use it. It’s always going to be based more on the recipient rather than the email’s content.
You can also refer to this sample email:
Hi Adam,
Is this our best bet? I’d like to continue working on it, but I need to know if you like the approach I’m going with.
Best wishes,
Adrian Muck