10 Formal Ways to Say “Thank You for Pointing This Out”

So, you’ve made a mistake. Don’t worry; it happens to the best of us.

What matters most in the workplace is how to respond when someone points out a mistake.

You might want to use “thank you for pointing this out.” However, is it the most formal option? This article will explore that question.

Is It Formal to Say “Thank You for Pointing This Out”?

It is formal to say “thank you for pointing this out.” It’s great to use when you’ve made a mistake and want to show gratitude to someone for correcting it or highlighting it.

It’s very useful in professional emails. Incidentally, it’s also quite polite. That’s why you’ll often find it used when people want to say thank you for correcting them.

Check out the following example to see how it works:

Thank you for pointing this out. I don’t think I would have spotted it without your help.


  • It shows gratitude even though you made a mistake.
  • It’s polite and professional.


  • It can seem a little sarcastic (especially if you already noticed the mistake).
  • It isn’t the most friendly choice.

“Thank you for pointing this out” works well in formal emails.

We also recommend having a few synonyms ready, though. After all, synonyms will help to mix things up in your formal writing.

Keep reading to learn how to say “thank you for pointing this out” in an email. You can also refer to the examples under each heading to see how they work in context.

What to Say Instead of “Thank You for Pointing This Out”

  • Thank you for highlighting this issue
  • Thank you for correcting me
  • Thanks for noticing that
  • Thank you for spotting my mistake
  • I appreciate your keen observation
  • I appreciate your attention to detail
  • Very well spotted
  • My apologies. I’ll correct that immediately
  • Thank you for offering your help on this
  • I appreciate your mentioning my mistake

1. Thank You for Highlighting This Issue

“Thank you for highlighting this issue” shows you how to say “thank you for pointing this out” professionally.

It’s great to use after making an error in your projects. Once someone points out your mistake, you should own it and let them know that you appreciate their keen eye.

There’s nothing wrong with making mistakes, after all. You’re only human, and it’s to be expected.

Therefore, a respectful phrase like this goes a long way in an email. It shows you appreciate the help and will do what you can to fix the issue.

You can also review this email example:

Dear Howard,

Thank you for highlighting this issue. I wasn’t aware that I made it, but I’ll work on correcting the error now.

William Bendtner

2. Thank You for Correcting Me

For a simple alternative, you can use “thank you for correcting me.” It works well for minor errors (such as a typo).

We recommend using it when thanking your boss for spotting a mistake. If they reply to you to let you know you’ve made a simple error, this is the best way to let them know you’re grateful.

Above all else, it’s very respectful. That’s why we think using a phrase like this is wise.

Here’s a great example to help you understand it better:

Dear Mr. Hughes,

Thank you for correcting me. I’m so sorry that I didn’t spot the mistake in my first check of the program.

Willis Jacobs

3. Thanks for Noticing That

If you’re trying to figure out how to thank someone for correcting your mistake, try “thanks for noticing that.” It’s a great way to show that someone spotted a simple mistake that needs fixing.

For instance, you can use it when emailing colleagues. It’s useful because it shows you’re happy to run your work by them before handing anything to your superiors.

After all, if your coworkers can spot small errors, then your superiors will too. It’s best to wait until you’re certain your work is perfect before you deliver it.

Perhaps this sample email will also help you:

Dear Elliot,

Thanks for noticing that. I knew I could rely on you to point out the mistakes that I might have missed.

All the best,
Tom Dilly

4. Thank You for Spotting My Mistake

Mistakes can happen at any time. They’re very easy to miss if you’re also not looking for them. So, don’t be upset if someone points out your mistake. They’re just trying to help you.

In this context, you can use “thank you for spotting my mistake.” It’s a direct and honest way to thank someone for pointing out an error.

We highly recommend it if you didn’t notice the mistake yourself. For instance, you can thank your boss if you handed in a project but they noticed something wasn’t quite right.

Check out the following email sample as well:

Dear Mr. Kitt,

Thank you for spotting my mistake. I have now corrected it and attached the updated version of the document.

Yours sincerely,
Jacob Antony

5. I Appreciate Your Keen Observation

A good formal alternative to “thank you for pointing this out” is “I appreciate your keen observation.” It’s certainly one of the more interesting choices to include in a professional email.

Instead of using a generic phrase like “pointing this out” or “correcting me,” try “keen observation.”

A keen observation means someone pays close attention to detail. You can thank them for spotting an error in your writing, especially if it helps to make your overall project better.

Here’s a great example to show you more about how it works:

Dear Matilda,

I appreciate your keen observation here. I wouldn’t have spotted that without your help, that’s for sure.

Kind regards,
Aimee Kirkland

6. I Appreciate Your Attention to Detail

Another way to say “thank you for pointing this out” is “I appreciate your attention to detail.” It’s useful in professional contexts when emailing someone important.

For instance, you can use this when emailing a client.

Let’s say you’ve written up a proposal for a client to read. However, there may have been a few errors in your writing or typos that need addressing.

If your client is happy to point them out, it means they have a keen attention to detail. You should thank them because it will help to improve your work.

Also, the following sample email will help you understand it:

Dear Mrs. Tiding,

I appreciate your attention to detail. I’m happy to hear any other comments you might have regarding this.

All the best,
Stuart King

7. Very Well Spotted

You can try to be a little more friendly and conversational with “very well spotted.”

It shows you’re happy to receive corrections from the recipient. However, it works best when you already have a good relationship with them.

For instance, we recommend it more when emailing coworkers. It’s much more friendly and shows you’re on a similar level with them.

This email example will also help you figure it out:

Hi Elsie,

Very well spotted! Thank you so much for looking through my work and letting me know what needs correcting.

Best wishes,
George Holleyman

8. My Apologies. I’ll Correct That Immediately

There are two parts to this synonym. First, the apology comes with “my apologies.” This is formal and polite, showing that you regret making the mistake.

The second is the accepting phrase. You can use “I’ll correct that immediately” here. It shows you own your mistake and will correct it based on someone’s feedback.

We recommend using it when emailing your boss. It shows you care about their review and don’t want to repeat the mistake.

You can even refer to this example if you’re still unsure:

Dear Sadie,

My apologies. I’ll correct that immediately. Thank you for spotting it, and I’ll do my best to avoid the mistake in the future.

Milo Retcon

9. Thank You for Offering Your Help on This

It’s worth using “thank you for offering your help on this” when contacting clients. It shows you appreciate them for reaching out and correcting any issues you might have in your proposals.

Generally, clients will only make corrections if asked. However, in this case, you can use it when a client has highlighted a mistake in your work without being prompted.

Check out this sample email to help you more:

Dear Josephine,

Thank you for offering your help on this. I knew I was right to trust you with the proofreading process.

All the best,
Sian Grimes

10. I Appreciate Your Mentioning My Mistake

You can be formal with “I appreciate your mentioning my mistake.” It’s great when someone highlights an error you made in a project (especially a written one).

Try it when someone highlights a mistake in a project. It shows that you’re happy they “mentioned” it to you, thus highlighting your error and allowing you to correct it.

It’s very respectful too. So, we recommend trying it when emailing your supervisor before handing in a final project.

Check out this email sample if you need more help with it:

Dear Mr. Kingston,

I appreciate your mentioning my mistake. I’ll be more diligent and remember to review it thoroughly next time.

Mathew Walker