10 Formal Ways to Say “I Am Reaching Out to You”

Do you rely heavily on “I am reaching out to you” when writing an email? It’s easy to fall into the repetitive trap!

However, is it the most formal option or are there better alternatives?

Is It Formal to Say “I Am Reaching Out to You”?

You can say“I am reaching out to you” in formal emails. It’s a very polite way to start an email when you have information to share.

It’s a professional phrase that comes before a brief piece of information someone might need to hear. You won’t often use it before very important information.


  • It’s a professional way to start any email.
  • It shows you intend to keep someone updated or informed.


  • It’s not very creative.
  • It limits the content of the email to a small piece of information.

Clearly, “I am reaching out to you” is a suitable phrase that you can use in formal contexts. However, to mix things up and keep your work emails diverse, you can use a formal synonym.

We’ve gathered a list of 10 formal phrases to show you how to reach out in an email without saying “I am reaching out to you.”

What’s Another Way to Say “I Am Reaching Out to You”?

  • I am writing to you
  • Just a quick one
  • Just reaching out
  • I am writing this email
  • I would like to talk to you
  • This email is
  • Just writing to
  • I want to make you aware
  • You should know
  • Just so you know

1. I Am Writing to You

There’s nothing wrong with starting an email with a phrase like “I am writing to you.” It makes your intention clear without having to explain too much to the recipient.

Of course, we do have to say that it’s a little redundant. After all, it’s clear that you have already written an email once someone starts reading it. So, you might not need to say “I am writing to you.”

However, it’s useful as a professional email starter. You should include it when asking someone for help. It’s impersonal, so it fits whether you’re emailing someone you know (like your boss) or someone you haven’t met before.

This email example will help you understand more about it:

Dear Ms. Packet,

I am writing to you to ask for your help. Please let me know when we can discuss the issues further.

All the best,
Jackson Walker

2. Just a Quick One

Writing casually is a great way to keep emails interesting in the workplace. Something like “just a quick one” is a great casual phrase to include when you want to reach out to someone and talk to them.

Of course, the key thing to remember is that it’s a little informal. You’ll be better off using it when emailing colleagues you have a good relationship with.

We don’t recommend using “just a quick one” when emailing your boss. It’s not quite as good at the start of a professional email.

You can refer to the following sample email to help you:

Dear Martha,

Just a quick one to follow up on yesterday. Have you heard any more from the client?


3. Just Reaching Out

It’s worth trying to sound friendly when sharing information with someone over an email. “Just reaching out” is a good example of this. It shows that you have something to share with someone and want them to pay attention.

Generally, the inclusion of “just” in the phrase means that the information isn’t all that important. You should only use it when sharing minor details with someone. Otherwise, “just” takes too much away from the impact of the information.

Here’s an email example to show you how it works:

Dear Stephen,

Just reaching out because I need your help. You seem to be the most experienced with the new system.

Kind regards,
Freya Willoughby

4. I Am Writing This Email

Another good option to include at the start of a professional email is “I am writing this email.” Yes, it might seem redundant, but it’s still a great choice if you don’t know how else to start an email.

We recommend using this email opener when messaging someone you don’t know. It’s impersonal, so you should use it more when emailing someone for the first time.

It’s also a good choice if you’re emailing on behalf of someone else and acting as the point of contact between two parties.

You can also refer to this email sample to help you:

Dear Mr. Badger,

I am writing this email on behalf of Ms. Russell to let you know that she will not be coming to the office next week.

All the best,

5. I Would Like to Talk to You

Why not clarify your intentions with a simple introduction like “I would like to talk to you.” Then, you haven’t got to explain much to the recipient. Instead, you can immediately tell them what you want to talk about.

It’s a direct phrase that works well as an email opener. We recommend using it when messaging a potential employer to find out about a job listing.

For example:

Dear Ms. Bridges,

I would like to talk to you regarding the job post. I’m very interested in learning more about it.

Kind regards,
Paul Bennett

6. This Email Is

While some synonyms like “I am writing” might be redundant, you can always opt for a more direct phrase like “this email is.” It’s a good option if you want to sound formal and professional when sending an email to someone.

You can check out this email sample to help you:

Dear Pavel,

This email is in reference to the meeting. Things did not go according to plan, and we must discuss things further.

I look forward to hearing from you,

7. Just Writing to

Remember, not every formal email has to have important information in it. Sometimes, you only share small pieces of information or things that aren’t all that relevant.

If this is the case, try something like “just writing to.” It’s a simple yet effective way to share information on a less serious level.

You can include it in emails to colleagues. After all, it’s much more casual, and it allows you to talk about something without worrying about the formality of the situation.

Here is an example to show you how it works:

Dear Crystal,

Just writing to inquire about the position. Has it been filled yet, or can I still apply?


8. I Want to Make You Aware

To keep things formal, you should use this phrase instead of “I am reaching out to you.” It’s a very serious phrase, though. So, you need to use it at appropriate times.

For instance, “I want to make you aware” works well when emailing employees. It shows you have authority and want them to understand something important that might relate to their job.

Here is an example to also show you how it works:

Dear Taylor,

I want to make you aware again that we have changed the system. Please review it immediately.

Kind regards,
Kim Walsh

9. You Should Know

It might surprise you how effective “you should know” can be in a formal email. It grabs the recipient’s attention with little effort. So, it’s worth including when you need someone to focus.

It’s a powerful phrase that often encourages people to read what you have to say intently. “Should” is the key here, as it shows that someone needs to pay attention; otherwise, they might miss something important.

Perhaps this example will also help you with it:

Dear Team,

You should know that we’ll be hiring a new managing director on the recommendation of your former employer.

All the best,
Mr. White & Ms. Tone

10. Just So You Know

We also recommend using “just so you know” as an introductory clause in an email. You should always place a comma after it to show that it offsets the rest of the information in the email.

And remember, “just” appears again here. So, you should only use it when sharing information that isn’t particularly important to the recipient. It’s a simpler phrase that works better when emailing clients you are close to.

This email sample will demonstrate how it works:

Dear Yuri,

Just so you know, we have decided to go against the original proposal. Sorry if this disappoints you.

Best wishes,
Harry Marketon